HALLELUJAH (and yes I had to look up how that was spelt) I'M FINALLY DONE FILMING. After weeks and weeks of planning it all led up to this moment and I'm finally done . . . but there were problems . . . lots of them.
The problems started the night before, where I went to check my equipment (which was pretty much just my tripod as I was borrowing the rest of the equipment from my best friend and the actor of Chip), and guess what, MY TRIPOD LEGS BROKE. At this point it was like 2:00 A.M. and my parents were asleep, so I had to scramble to find a tripod in time. Luckily my friend Zach offered to lend me his and all I had to do was stop at his house the morning of. The only problem was, that my mom couldn't drive since she had surgery the day before and I didn't know how to schedule stops through Uber (since we were planning on Ubering to where we were filming).
The next day roles by and another problem arose. I WAS OUT OF EGG BITES meaning I couldn't eat my favorite breakfast, oh and also the main actor who was meant to meet at my house wasn't answering his phone and it was passed the time he was meant to be there. At 10:30 (a half hour after he was meant to be there) he finally called me back and told me that he thought it was 9:30 and not 10:30. After that I waited another 30 minutes to finally get ready to leave, but since we were so behind, we no longer had time to Uber and we didn't have time to stop to get the tripod. Instead my mom drove us and I was forced to spend $90 on a tripod at Best Buy on the way to where we were filming, and since we were so late, we got stuck in Fort Lauderdale traffic making it take us an hour to get there instead of the normal half hour. The second we got there I was presented with even more bad news, my Dad, the actor for Dr. Williams had to be in a meeting all day and only had a 20 minute break (meaning I only had 20 minutes to film all of his scenes) and the actor of Chip had to leave at 4:30 (at this point its was 12:30 once we got situated) meaning we had to leave at 4:00, but this part shouldn't have been too big of an issue.
After a very quick lunch me and Chip's actor went down to film the hallway we were planning on filming the hallway scene when security stops us and say we couldn't film there EVEN THOUGH WE HAD ALREADY TALKED TO SOMEONE WHO SAID WE COULD, and they went and called the building owner (which it took 30 minutes to get a hold of her) and she said no, forcing me to film in only the top three floors of the building, which doesn't seem like a problem, BUT THERE WASNT A SINGLE GOOD PLACE TO FILM IT but I made do and moved on to film the next few scenes (all of which I was rushed for since everywhere I filmed the people there gave me a time limit). Than we got to the elevator scene AND SECURITY F**ING MESSED ME UP AGAIN. They told me I couldn't film in the elevators, so I had to sneak one last take on the way down, but it wasn't how I wanted it.
Even though I'm complaining a lot, I'm still proud of myself as I learned to adapt to tough situations and overall I think it may come out really well.
I'll talk to you guys next time, and comment any editing techniques that you think would be cool for me to use (ESPECIALLY YOU ARMESTO).
-The Producer
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