Friday, March 15, 2024

Update on life

 Soooooo . . . just to keep everyone updated on my life, I flew up to Long Beach yesterday, and let's just say a lot has already happened. After having to wake up at one in the morning to fly out here, the trip started off well. We started off in Paramount Studios, which I found extremely useful for this project. It actually gave me a few ideas in which I can use for this project. First of all, I realized that everything in movies is fake, so I don't need my setting to be absolutely perfect as I can manipulate the camera to make it seem perfect. I also learned about how in real movies, they film in sound studios instead of actual locations so that they can control the sound. Unfortunately I don't have the money for a sound studio, but instead, I'll start brainstorming ways in which I can control the sound of my environment. I also learned different ways to trick viewers, which can overall help me control my audience with my production. Lastly, but unrelated to the movie opening, I learned that majority of buildings in films are fake, which I found cool.

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Creative Critical Reflection

 Last but not least, here is my CCR -The Producer