Friday, February 2, 2024

The End of the Marketing Project

 So my group and I have just finished our music marketing project, and let me just say . . . IT CAME OUT AMAZINGLY. When we planned everything it started off slow, we allocated different jobs and got to a very rough start. It was so bad, that when our teacher gave us a team review, we got a 60%. But when it came time to film everything, it all worked out.

    When it all started, we decided that we wanted to do a prisoner-based music video that was a promo and semi-artistic. It took us a while to decide but once we did we had to decide when to film. But there was a problem. Our entire group was extremely busy and we couldn't find a good day to film, so we had to wait until the last minute. On the bright side, however, our teacher extended the due date for the project. I guess we weren't the only ones behind. Because of this, we were able to gain confidence and prepare for filming.

    Once the film day came, I was excited and ready to go, or at least I would have been if a small problem hadn't arisen. My mom was sick. Because of this, she didn't want me to go out, and instead, I had to stay in the house. I told my team about this and they were surprisingly accepting, and they were able to film the entire thing without me.

    Once we finished the filming, we broke the rest of the project into sections. We all worked on the PowerPoint, while I edited the video, Mateo wrote the script for our presentation, Zach created a promo, and Armesto was to create the covers for the song. This ended up slightly changing as my group agreed that I was a good writer, and Mateo was a better editor, so we ended up swapping roles. 

    Once we all finished, all that was left to do was film the audio of our presentation, but another problem came up. We did the project in Google Slides, and it wouldn't let us export the project with the fonts we used and we didn't have enough time to go change everything. Instead of exporting though, my team decided to double down and just make the project into a video. Luckily it all worked out and we finished in the nick of time.

    Looking back, I would probably work with my group more on timing and plan A LOT better, since we almost didn't finish. Also, I would love to establish who is good at what so we don't have to swap what we are doing halfway through. This project also taught me how to market an artist, but it also prepared me for the future portfolio, as it was a big project that I hadn't done anything similar to. I will use the planning I learned from this project to better myself in the next project.

To see the final presentation click here

- The Producer

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Creative Critical Reflection

 Last but not least, here is my CCR -The Producer